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Welcome to Manteno Schools
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
FOIA requests may be submitted to the FOIA officer, Kyle Flanigan, at the District Office in person during regular office hours, by mail/courier service or by email to FOIA@manteno5.org. It is recommended that requests be sent "Return Receipt Requested" to verify the request was received. Appropriate fees/charges may be assessed as allowed under Section 6 of Public Act 96-542.
District Events
District Schools

Elementary School
555 W. Cook St.
Manteno, IL 60950
(815) 928-7200

Middle School
250 N. Poplar St.
Manteno, IL 60950
(815) 928-7150

High School
443 N. Maple St
Manteno, IL 60950
(815) 928-7100
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